Hello readers,I am Neel Ashar currently pursuing my BE Degree in Computer Engineering.
It gives me immense pleasure to blog on this topic of the 'Male Dominated Indian Society'.
It gives me immense pleasure to blog on this topic of the 'Male Dominated Indian Society'.
India,boasting the second largest population globally,has suffered from male domination for thousands of years. Here,a man is coined the term "Hero" while a woman is looked down upon.
A man is considered to be the breadwinner of the family while his wife or other female family members are busy doing the monotonous household chores.
If a woman is passionate about her career,she loses respect in the society. The male is looked down upon too,because the society thinks he does not earn enough or nothing at all,and also their biggest concern is- "How dare a woman continue with her job or passion after marriage? She ought to be learning new recipes in the kitchen and making tasty food for the family.Her husband needs a female version of Sanjeev Kapoor."
The whole society cares so much for the 'breadwinner' while the female members are imagined to be in a holocaust situation,where millions of Hitlers are waiting for them to make a mistake.
There is a WWIII- The Society Alliance with the Breadwinner V/s Miserable Women.
The bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused immediate deaths and genetic disorders for generations to follow,while this particular one causes slow deaths and as a repercussion,there is havoc.
The SA or the Society Alliance wins the 'Cold War' every single time.
If a woman likes to spend some time with her friends and hang out with them till around midnight,they are sluts. They are inviting you to harass them and do whatever you feel like. A jail bail awaits you while the female's doomsday arrives. Nobody cares about her thereafter. The culprit is given plenty of sympathy and with each passing day,the victim's voice fades away in this loud society.
She was busy enjoying with her friends when you decided to ruin her life.Congratulations to the 'proud' males for shattering her ambitions. You all deserve a 'Bharat Ratna' Award. Your parents would feel so proud of you right? Even the court is so generous to you,for it never lets you utter the word 'guilty'.
The judgement is that he rejoices while she suffers.
So what are the stages in a female's life then?
1. Birth
2. Learning to cook
3. Finding a husband to 'support' her.
4. Managing the family and humdrum chores.
5. Looking after the guests compromising her wishes and needs.
6. Death
To which house does an Indian woman belong to? From birth to her teenage days,she feels like her mother,father,siblings and grandparents are her family.
The elders teach her all the disciplines required because she has to serve a new family in near future. Melancholy is that the males are not taught these things- Respecting females and gender equality.
She gets married and never really feels like her home because she is tired of compromising her necessities and ambitions for others. Even for the guests. It seems like she has not been taught the word No in her new 'home'. Why is there so much discrimination because of two letters added to the prefix? Type gender in Google Search. It won't discriminate. Does it show only males?
Is there a difference in the capabilities of men and women? Is it written anywhere that female brains and emotions are inferior to males?
Just because many men are supposedly physically more capable than their female counterparts,it doesn't mean you can take advantage of their disadvantages.
Real men understand what feminism is all about. They understand that gender equality and bailing out women when they are in need are their duties. It is not because those women are not self independent,but because it is your duty. Treat every woman like your mother or sister. Never let them feel insecure around you.
The beginning of a new revolution in the Indian Society would be when we adapt a Saudi Arabia kind of punishment where public execution takes place for rapists and other criminals.
There is a dire need of Deera Squares across the country. Fear should be inculcated in the minds of these disgraceful men and you'll see immediate results.
Picture source:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deera_Square
Men,treat no woman inferior to you. She is a human being too. Care for her.
This is it. Hope it would be liked by the readers and also hope that it would contribute a little in changing the mindset of Men belonging to this Evil Society.
Women,more power to you always. Do whatever you feel like.
Thank You.
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